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[W4K]≡ Libro The Book of Psalms The Wartburg Project edition by John Brug Religion Spirituality eBooks

The Book of Psalms The Wartburg Project edition by John Brug Religion Spirituality eBooks

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Download PDF The Book of Psalms The Wartburg Project  edition by John Brug Religion  Spirituality eBooks

The Wartburg Project is a project to translate the whole Bible. It is in its early stages. This volume is the initial draft translation of Psalms, It gives an indication of the style of the project, and gives readers a preview of the clear style and readability of the project's Bible.

The Book of Psalms The Wartburg Project edition by John Brug Religion Spirituality eBooks

When reading the KJV, I've often needed a translation of the translation because of its sometimes outdated language. Then along came the modern translations. They were fine to a point, that point being the biases and creeping political correctness of the translators. In my way of thinking, God's Word does not need to be revised (a polite way of saying "warped") to appease the philosophy of the day.
Not only is the Wartburg Project translation reliable, it's readable. This Book of Psalms is also faithful to the style of the original text.
The headings and brief commentaries are instructional and non-intrusive. I hope the final version will set these headings and commentaries in a separate font/color or as sidebars, so no readers assume they are part of the actual text.
I look forward to getting the complete translation the minute it's published.

Product details

  • File Size 638 KB
  • Print Length 280 pages
  • Publisher The Wartburg Project; 1st edition (April 17, 2014)
  • Publication Date April 17, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read The Book of Psalms The Wartburg Project  edition by John Brug Religion  Spirituality eBooks

Tags : The Book of Psalms: The Wartburg Project - Kindle edition by John Brug. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Book of Psalms: The Wartburg Project.,ebook,John Brug,The Book of Psalms: The Wartburg Project,The Wartburg Project,BIBLES General
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The Book of Psalms The Wartburg Project edition by John Brug Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

Be prepared for your comprehension to soar! Read The Book of Psalms devotionally with the aid of the translator's interspersed headings throughout the verses of each psalm, marking the change in the inspired poets' themes and thoughts. I thank God for this gift to all Bible readers.
There are many other translations available, but this edition comes directly from the Hebrew with an easy to read format. Careful attention is given to be accurate and true to all of the Bible's teachings.
I am used to the King James Bible - any change can be difficult.
Brug has managed to strip the moving beauty and poetry of the Psalms and replace them with soulless verbiage. Bland, flat, sterile renderings await you in this translation. This book sent me running back to the King James Version. I do not recommend this book.
I liked this translation. I felt it read well. My only complaint is with the formatting of the footnotes. Footnote indicators started with [a] and after going through the full alphabet, began to double the letters. Towards the end of the book, footnotes are labeled with 5 or 6 repeating letters [ddddd] and it looks ridiculous.
This is a very easy to read translation of the book of Psalms. I would recommend that anyone would like to read this. I am looking forward to reading more books of the Bible from the Wartburg Project as they become available. Kathy Hering
To be clear as has been previously mentioned, this is an early draft of a new English translation headed as the Wartburg project. Looking in detail about the project, including the translation philosophy and comparisons to other popular English translations, I can say that this looks to become what I believe to be the most balanced English translation. It reads well with modern language, yet retains literacy where it can, much like my recent go to translation, the Modern English Version. Unlike the MEV, however, it decides to be more original defy much of the bias that has influenced many other translations, be it formal vs dynamic vs functional equivalence, catholic/Calvinist​ doctrine, or manuscript preferences. Surely, many will notice that the project is headed by WELS and ELS Lutherans, considered to be the most conservative Lutheran synods in the US. I myself do not agree with them on everything, but I've always appreciated their work tremendously as they seem to know scripture far better than other denominations and even the LCMS.
Specific to this book, I've found they tend to strive to reflect the depth of the original poetry and yet lovingly modify the text to fit more alongside English way of poetic literature. It allows you as a reader to feel more like a reader in the day might perceive it. Like the book of Matthew, some differences are subtle while other are quite clear differences that feel quite welcome. I highly recommend this for anyone interested in getting a sneak peek into this new translation, though otherwise I advise you wait till the Psalm/NT is published in 2017.
When reading the KJV, I've often needed a translation of the translation because of its sometimes outdated language. Then along came the modern translations. They were fine to a point, that point being the biases and creeping political correctness of the translators. In my way of thinking, God's Word does not need to be revised (a polite way of saying "warped") to appease the philosophy of the day.
Not only is the Wartburg Project translation reliable, it's readable. This Book of Psalms is also faithful to the style of the original text.
The headings and brief commentaries are instructional and non-intrusive. I hope the final version will set these headings and commentaries in a separate font/color or as sidebars, so no readers assume they are part of the actual text.
I look forward to getting the complete translation the minute it's published.
Ebook PDF The Book of Psalms The Wartburg Project  edition by John Brug Religion  Spirituality eBooks

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